Link2danish offers translation from English and German into Danish and has experience primarily in the translation of texts for websites, IT manuals, user guides and questionnaires. In addition, we proofread and edit Danish texts.
In order to make a good translation link2danish considers having knowledge of the subject matter and doing thorough research in the process of translating to be of utmost importance. We apply our knowledge of cultural and societal differences so that the final product reads as if it is the original.
The price of the translation is based on a rate per word from the source text. This rate varies from text to text depending on factors such as level of difficulty and the subject matter. In order to make a specific quotation we need to access the level of difficulty by looking over the actual text. Please send us your text for an evaluation and we will respond with an offer.
There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.
Thomas Hardy (1892-1980)